Srini Penchikala
Senior Software Architect
Srini Penchikala currently works as Senior Software Architect in Austin, Texas. He is also the Lead Editor for AI/ML/Data Engineering community at InfoQ (http://www.infoq.com/author/Srini-Penchikala). Srini has over 22 years of experience in software architecture, design and development. He is the author of "Big Data Processing with Apache Spark. He is also the co-author of "Spring Roo in Action" book (http://www.manning.com/SpringRooinAction) from Manning Publications. Srini has presented at conferences like Big Data Conference, Enterprise Data World, JavaOne, SEI Architecture Technology Conference (SATURN), IT Architect Conference (ITARC), No Fluff Just Stuff, NoSQL Now and Project World Conference. He also published several articles on software architecture, security and risk management, and NoSQL databases on websites like InfoQ, The ServerSide, OReilly Network (ONJava), DevX Java, java.net and JavaWorld.